Orthodontic treatment is a commitment, whether you opt for traditional metal braces or Invisalign clear braces. Here's a little about what kind of responsibility you can expect with Invisalign.
You’re making a major commitment to an orthodontic treatment, even when you choose Invisalign.
So, it's important to take your treatment seriously and follow the instructions set out by your dentist.
By staying committed to your treatment, and making some small adjustments to your daily life, you will quickly come to see the benefits of Invisalign clear aligners.
Wearing Your Aligners Daily
The total length of your Invisalign orthodontic treatment will depend on your specific case, but you will need to wear your aligners for 20 to 22 hours every day.
Making Small Adjustments to Eating Habits
Invisalign will not directly affect your diet, however you might consider making some adjustments to your eating schedule. Over the course of your Invisalign treatment it is recommended that you eat three meals a day and try to skip snacks. This will help you to avoid removing your aligners more often than necessary.
Whenever you eat or drink anything at all you will need to remove your aligners - even if you just have a small sip of coffee or soda! Otherwise, you risk developing cavities or staining your aligners.
Keeping Your Aligners Clean
Invisalign clear aligners are removable, so there's no extra commitment for your actual brushing and flossing routine. All you need to do is remove your aligners, and clean your teeth as usual.
It's important to clean your aligners properly, using a soft soap and toothbrush, every time you remove them.
To remove any buildup, and to keep them sanitized, you will need to soak the aligners regularly.
Attending Regular Dental Checkups
You will be required to attend regular dental appointments during the course of your Invisalign treatment.
Regular checkups are necessary in order for your dentist to monitor your progress and ensure that your treatment is on the right track.
After-Treatment Care
Regardless of which orthodontic treatment you choose, you will need to wear a retainer once treatment is complete. Your retainer will help your teeth to stay in their new positions.
Follow whatever instructions your dentist gives you about when and how long to wear retainer in order to keep your new straight smile looking great!