The success of your Invisalign treatment depends on your commitment to following your dentist's instructions. Here's a little about how many hours you should wear your clears aligners each day and why.
How long the entire length of your Invisalign treatment will take depends on how misaligned your teeth are, and how many hours each day you wear your aligners. Only your dentist can give you an accurate estimate of how long your Invisalign treatment will take.
Invisalign aligners should be worn between 20 to 22 hours per day regardless of your treatment length. Fact is that your aligners should remain in your mouth as much as possible in order for the treatment to be effective.
Nonetheless, aligners can be removed for short periods of time when eating, brushing, and flossing. One of the best things about Invisalign is that, unlike traditional braces, you are not limited to what you can eat as long as you remove your aligners first.
This freedom to take your aligners in and out is one of the reasons Invisalign is so popular but it’s critical not to abuse the privilege!
The less you wear your aligners, the longer your orthodontic treatment will take. If you leave your Invisalign aligners out for too long your overall treatment progress will be hindered.
To achieve a straighter smile as quickly and effortlessly as possible be sure to follow the instructions given to you by your dentist. It will be worth it when you see a beautiful straight smile taking shape.