Living with Invisalign®
With Invisalign orthodontic treatment you can straighten your teeth with minimal disruptions to your day-to-day routines. Here's what makes living with Invisalign is easy!
With Invisalign orthodontic treatment you can straighten your teeth with minimal disruptions to your day-to-day routines. Here's what makes living with Invisalign is easy!
Invisalign may not have an impact on WHAT you eat, but may have more of affect WHEN you eat it. Our dentists explain.
Invisalign orthodontic treatment offers many benefits over metal braces! If you're considering straightening your smile, it's worth giving this discreet, convenient option a try. Here's more on why you don't need metal braces to achieve a straighter smile.
Our dentist's have some great news for patients who grind their teeth; Invisalign's clear custom aligners can help with the symptoms and causes of teeth grinding, and help protect your teeth too!
Here, our dentists offer three ways to know whether you're ready to try Invisalign clear aligners to straighten your smile.
If you have crowded or crooked teeth maintaining good oral health can be challenging. Here's how straightening your teeth with Invisalign can help protect your oral health.
Our dentists recommend Invisalign clear custom aligners as an ideal alternative to traditional metal braces because Invisalign has very little impact on your day-to-day routines at home, work or play. Here's why...
Invisalign clear aligners are a convenient and discreet way for both adults and teens to achieve a straighter smile, without the need for traditional metal braces.
The 'clear' advantage of Invisalign orthodontic treatment is that the aligners are transparent, making them much more discreet than traditional braces. Invisalign makes it harder for people to tell that you're straightening your smile.
The success of your Invisalign treatment depends on your commitment to following your dentist's instructions. Here's a little about how many hours you should wear your clears aligners each day and why.
If you're an accomplished BC dentist with an interest in clear aligner orthodontic treatment, we'd love to hear from you.